Hi there, I'm Christine.
Are you a fellow pastor's wife?
I'm glad you found your way here.
I've been a pastor’s wife for over two decades, serving alongside my husband Kyle in various churches, sized small to large, and in church planting. Throughout it all, I have sought truths from Scripture that have sustained me, and I’m passionate about passing along these truths to other pastors' wives.
I've written How to Thrive as a Pastor's Wife to that end: to encourage and help you in your ministry and context. In addition, I've been creating content for pastors' wives for years, and you can find it all right here. Whether it's podcast episodes, articles, or free printables, feel free to make yourself at home and leave refreshed and ready to run your ministry race.
Additional Resources for Thriving in Ministry
What People Are Saying About
How to Thrive as a Pastor's Wife

Jani Ortlund
Christine writes with authentic vulnerability about the distinctive temptations we wives face in
our ministry marriages--from bitterness to blaming to burnout—always pointing back us to our
kind King who will faithfully provide for each of our needs.

Irene Sun
Christine's counsel is not some general encouragement for pastors' wives. No, her words point us to specific, blood-bought promises of God, written in the ink and tears of a pastor's wife who knows.

Dorena Williamson
Christine lovingly calls us to rhythms of rest and renewal with the God who sees and knows us. Even after 26 years of leadership, I soaked up the reminder that my role as Pastor's wife is the gift by which I serve the church, but the title is not my identity.